50 Years.

You can do a LOT in 50 years. Here are fifty things you can do in 50 years: 1. Learn to ride a unicycle 2. Live in a different country 3. Host an annual 4th of July Barbecue 4. Teach someone how to drive 5. Donate Blood 6. Own a Fish 7. Jump in the car and take a random road trip 8. Live in West Virginia 9. Learn to bake bread 10. Go furniture shopping. And not buy anything. 11. Buy flowers once a week to send to a stranger from the phonebook 12. Write a song 13. Quit drinking soda 14. Do an Ironman Triathlon 15. Renovate your kitchen 16. Create a training school to teach others how to have common sense 17. Be sad that no one thought they needed your training school 18. Lead at least one person to Jesus and teach them how to do the same thing. 19. Rebuild an engine 20. Volunteer 21. Switch up careers 22. Go skydiving 23. Travel to all 50 states and visit a historic Museum in each state to learn about the country 24. Save $1 each day in a coffee can 25. Figure...