One is the Loneliest Number
The past 3 weeks I've been here at UCA, one thing stands out. I only cook for 1 person. Do you know what this means? 1. Lots of leftovers 2. You eat the same type of food all week so you don't have items going bad in your fridge 3. Lots of leftovers 4. You get tired of that same type of food, but realize that 40 minutes of prep time isn't worth it to make something else. 5. You start wanting to cook for other people My best friend (for those who don't know who that is, it's Heidi) was always the one in our friendship to invite people over, make food for them, and to take joy in service. I personally never felt that joy. I just felt prune-like hands at the end of it from doing the dishes. (Okay, in all honesty, we had a dishwasher and when we didn't, I usually just entertained her while she cleaned... I know I'm a horrible best friend. I have, for the record, done dishes at her house a few times when I wasn't the partaker in the food. Please...