
There is a new love in my life: Donny. This is short for Donatello. He's a Jack-a-poo (Jack Russell/Poodle Mix) and he's a really smart dog. His intelligence could be a good thing... and it sometimes is a bad thing. But he's a great kid. :) I started looking for a furry friend in September of last year for a couple of reasons. 1. I read Your Pet and Your Health by Dr. David DeRose and Steve Wohlberg and was convicted. 2. I'm sorry but I never read all the way through that book... but I figured a lot of canvassers read my posts... so it'd be fun to reference a book we've all sold at some point. 3. Moving to a new place where you know exactly 2 people is a little daunting. It's easier to take in with a sidekick. 4. After spending 4 months at Weimar and being able to exercise easily because 30 others are doing it too, I wanted a little additional motivation to continue the lifestyle. 5. While owning an animal isn't the exact...