The Assurance
Something I have started noticing in my adult life is the fact that nothing is for certain. As a child, you knew there would be food on your table. You knew there would be clothing to wear. You knew there would be a warm bed to sleep on. As a child, you knew Jesus was your best friend. Somewhere along the way, each of these certainties began to take on a new appearance. Now I look at the food in my fridge and think, "I need to go shopping again. I'm over budget on my food..." I look at the clothing in my closet and think, "How much money have I spent on clothing throughout the years? How many people don't have any?" Or I look at my bed and smile. Because that's close to my favorite part of my day. Sleeping. But what if you lost your job? Lost your ability to walk? Lost your eyesight? These kinds of fears never entered the thoughts of the child... And with those types of fears comes the truth of how adults can have fear in their relationship with ...