
Showing posts from January, 2017

From Pastor Amanda to Miss Apanda: 2016

How I pictured my day happening: Wake up, exercise, take a shower. Then I'd sit down on the couch with a bottle of Martinelli's and a nice breakfast while I leisurely read my journal from the year and reflected on my 28th year of life. I'd then write a funny but insightful blog post, go hang out with some friends and be happy and satisfied with my day. I'd get some planning in for my classes and be ahead of the game. What really happened: Woke up, exercised, then did NOT take a shower. Yup. Still in my running clothes. Went to open my bottle of Martinelli's and poured me a glass. My family called (Thanks for the socks Aunt Zannie and Mama!) (<-- in case you missed it, that was your shout-out you asked for on the phone earlier, Mama. ;)) to talk and I enjoyed spending time talking to them and delayed my day a little. No stress, I'd have plenty of time to finish everything. Then I got my AT&T bill. Again. The second one in 2 days. On hold with the s...