Full disclosure: I just finished an entire bottle of Martinelli's by myself. Didn't mean to. It just happened. And this post is really long. Because I had the time, and I wanted to share. Having my birthday on the 31st of December has its downfalls. First of all, everyone is broke as a joke and you get lots of Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas presents. But other than that it's pretty dope. 1. People generally remember your birthday. And if they don't, they feel guilty for texting you at midnight and finding out the next day it was your birthday. 2. If you go to GYC, most of your friends fly out to see you! ...and attend GYC of course. 3. No matter what, you will have a birthday party to go to! Whether or not you tell everyone there the real reason for celebrating is optional. You know. That's all that matters. 4. Related to #3, there are multiple parties you can go to in the same night! 5. You have a built in day to reflect and ponder how yo...