Full disclosure: I just finished an entire bottle of Martinelli's by myself. Didn't mean to. It just happened. And this post is really long. Because I had the time, and I wanted to share.
Each year I spend time journaling about the year and review at how God worked in my life, who were the key players this year, what was my impact on the world around me, and looking ahead to see what the next year holds.

Having my birthday on the 31st of December has its downfalls. First of all, everyone is broke as a joke and you get lots of Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas presents. But other than that it's pretty dope.
1. People generally remember your birthday. And if they don't, they feel guilty for texting you at midnight and finding out the next day it was your birthday.
2. If you go to GYC, most of your friends fly out to see you! ...and attend GYC of course.
3. No matter what, you will have a birthday party to go to! Whether or not you tell everyone there the real reason for celebrating is optional. You know. That's all that matters.
4. Related to #3, there are multiple parties you can go to in the same night!
5. You have a built in day to reflect and ponder how your year went.
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Monica and I my last birthday after helping with Pre-GYC canvassing |
This year I moved to Washington State and started working at Upper Columbia Academy. One of the most difficult tasks I've ever taken on. The people aren't the problem, but rather my ability to do the tasks asked of me. I've learned and grown so much as a result of this job and God placed specific people in my life for this time period to help me in this journey. He knows exactly who and what you need for success in your calling. It's amazing.
Here is a brief recap of the highlights of my year:
New Year's Resolution: No buying clothing for one full year. (It was a problem. lol)
I got Donny! Such a brief joy in my life! This precious pup was with me until March when he was hit by a car.
I read one of the most amazing books in my life: Coming of the Comforter by Leroy Froom about the reality and mission of the Holy Spirit. Haven't read it? You should.
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Even Donny Devoured it... |
My Best Friend Heidi surprised me in person! It was incredible!
The Month itself was beautiful. On the Calendar. Perfect 28 days Sunday to Sabbath each week. I still can't stop talking about it.
I went to India and learned so much. The language barrier taught me in a new way that ministry is not ever about me, I'm just an instrument.

Reunited with my high school roomsie Erin! I went to Portland for Justin's wedding and caught up with some old friends I hadn't seen in a while.
This was also the month a few students asked me for Bible Studies.
Finished my first College course in 6 years! Thus began my work toward my Degree. (BA in Religious Studies)
Ranela and Shama came to visit! Well, Ranela flew in to visit Shama who picked her up in Spokane, but I still got to see both of them!!
Was blessed to hang out and help with Oregon Youth Rush for a week. Canvassing programs, I've come to realize, are a drug. I get super pumped when I'm around them.
I got rid of my iPhone so I would be less distracted by the constant media and connection to the internet. Which is why... there are a lot fewer pictures to choose from for the rest of this post! lol
Lots of Health programs at the Bisbee Church, hung out with my parents, sang at the Methodist church on Sundays, and had a fun time at home.
Had a 36 hour visit with Chel in Phoenix spontaneously.
Finished 2 more classes towards my degree!
Second wedding I was blessed to attend for this year was for Sara and Sam! Beautiful people I went to high school with. It was fun to reconnect with lots of people I went to academy with.
Pathways to Health was in Spokane, and I got to see Johnny and Kevin along with others that came out for the event! Now I'm involved in helping to plan the next one in a small way!
The very next weekend I got to go to iShare in Southern California.
Planned my first HOPE! (Helping Other People Everywhere) It's the school-wide community service day. 235+ kids and staff members going into the community and serving. Community Service. Moving on.
Filler Picture... because I stopped taking pictures. lol |
[Brief digression:] This month, something interesting happened in the love department. I got two emails in the same week while being confused about another friendship unrelated to either of these emails. One e-mail was a past relationship I thought I would never get over -- it said, "Hey, how are you?" ... I know, super deep right? But I realized I had no emotional attachment to that person at all anymore. It wasn't a healthy relationship. It wasn't a clean breakup. It wasn't easy to get over. But I got the ambiguous email and thought, "Um... Ok. Well, Huh??" A few days later I got an email from a good friend that I respect and think well of who was asking if I would consider a relationship with him. He was very clear about it and it took guts to ask and I was flattered, but declined. Those two things helped me with the weird friendship that was confusing me and God cleared up so much that week. Weirdest part: It was the week of September 11th. O.O [End Digression]
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Another filler Picture of Andrea, Kristal and I on a Sabbath Afternoon. :) |
I told my Marathon story as a Girl's Dorm worship. That, my friends, was a hit. Apparently my inability to run is hilarious. It was a bonding moment. :)
Got to visit Heidi! And on that visit had the opportunity to catch up with Amy, Julie, Mike, Candice, Jocelle, and Magbis! It was a really great week. :)
And WOW I don't take any pictures anymore!!!
Record windstorm in Spokane. 70+ mph gusts of wind. When did this hit? On one of the few days of the year that I am the one in charge of the school. -_- God is good, He supplied the wisdom and strength to get through that day!
Went to visit my frannnnns for Thanksgiving in San Francisco! I have pictures but they're on my iPad.
Finished another 3 classes towards my degree and signed up for 3 more!
Surprised my mom with a 50th Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed my time at home.
Celebrated my 27th Birthday.
[Transition into the end of my post:]
This birthday I didn't make spectacular plans. I wasn't at GYC with a ton of my friends and I wasn't home with my family. I woke up to phone calls and texts from friends and family. I spent time reading and journaling. Instead of vegging out on my living room couch, I went to World Market and found a coat rack that I loved and bought it. $125... But I got it for $48 out the door. Holla. Happy Burfday!! lol. Ok moving on. I then went to the Enjati's and was treated to a special birthday dinner with a toast (Thanks Chel! lololol) and chocolate cake!
Can we take a moment to appreciate Jacob's face?? (He's the one in the tree shirt) I love this family! |
Cutting the evening short I went to pick up my friend at the airport. After we got home we went over to the Hess's house for a "New Year's Eve Party." (Notice the quotations. I never call it a New Year's Eve Party in my head. It's always "Secret Birthday Celebration.") And really, it was more like 6 of us hanging out and deciding to watch Cool Runnings. Best.
Once I was home, I read all the messages and texts and realized something.
1. I kept my New Years Resolution this year! Other than some leggings and a shirt, I didn't buy any clothes!!
2. I am so so so blessed. I have a wonderful family. I have godly, incredible friends that I love to talk to and never feel that I deserve. I have a little home that I can call my own.
Here's to a new year and the number 27. It's going to be amazing.
It's fun to get a peek at your life. TAA reunion is coming up next year, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again! I mention this because you seemed to have a lot of reunions in 2015, and I was thinking of TAA because it's funny how you are still so very much the Amanda I knew in academy, but yet you're a more polished version. Does that make sense? I tell you, though, I long for the days of drinking almond milk on your bed while lounging in the pink lighting from that sarong tacked over the lights. Do you still have that sarong??
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm getting sappy in my old age, but I've been reminiscing a lot lately, enjoying my memories, and seeing your happy face brought up a whole new crop of them just now. I'm so grateful that we got to be such good friends while we were together. I know we've totally drifted apart, that happens with time and distance, but you will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart and in my memories.
Hey you!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D 28 is almost 30 ;)
DeleteI'm looking forward to our 10 year too! I had lots of mini ones but I'm ready for a massive one. My students keep saying I'm basically a high school student lol so I may not be as polished as I appear. I DO HAVE THAT SARONG! I was trying to get rid of it the other month but couldn't bring myself to it because it was too personal to go to Goodwill and not meaningful enough to keep it. Lol. Send me your address! It'll be a birthday present!!
I will always count you as a special friend! We may not communicate as much as before but you're always close in my mind. I went through a ton of the cartoons you drew for me in highschool (Bread winner, whirled peas, corn villian and cop corn, etc) and I had a solid hour of reminiscing. :) Miss you!
P.S. You are SO lucky to be in the PNW! I love it up there. Sigh. The Spangle area is okay, but I like it better a bit to either the right or the left.
ReplyDeleteSeriously though. It's gorgeous up here.