Goodwill... like, the store.

Ever had that outfit/dress/picture frame that you LOVED and could never see yourself getting rid of? I'm gonna say mine is a dress I used to absolutely love. It was brightly colored, it made me feel really fun and pretty, and it fit me nicely. Everyone complimented the dress and said what good taste I had. Some didn't though. Some said, "I think you're a lot more mature than that dress makes you look... You still look pretty, but it's a little loud..." Haters. But then you realize... that maybe they're right. And you're growing, and changing, and your tastes have changed now too. It's not that the dress changed. It's still the same dress. And it's not that you hate the dress anymore, you've just outgrown it. I feel like that with people sometimes. Hear me out -- It's not that people are bad or immature or whatever -- but sometimes, your taste and where you are in life changes. And you can still have fun cloth...