
Some Recent Ponderings/Epiphanies

It's been a while and I thought about posting this on Facebook. But then I remembered that Facebook is the actual worst. There have been many years (I hate to use the word "decades" because I refuse to think I've aged so much...) that I have had an image of who I am internally. Some words that come to mind are: - fake - lazy - scared - quitter - unloveable - actress/entertainer - liar - tries too hard to be funny But when others have described me, it was really jarring to realize that the words they used were often ones that were the direct opposite of how I tend to view myself: - real - hard-working - fearless - tenacious - loving/loveable - actress/entertainer (hmmm) - honest - funny Why is there such a dissonance between how I see me and how others see me? Who is actually right? Me, obviously. "You're such a hard worker!" - many people "Because I crave your approval and acceptance and don't want you to ever know th

Don't know how to have a subscribe button on new website

So I'll just let you know! There's a new blog post! Go to :)


Hi Everyone! I have a new website , you should check it out! This will be the new home for my blog! Blessings to you all in this new year! -Amanda

Not a Techy-kinda Person

I'm pretty much a grandma when it comes to technology. While studying for my Global Business class, the topic of technology and its impact on globalization came up. My perception is that I'm not a tech-type person, but by definition I am. I bank on my phone. I repay student loans on my phone. I call my friends and family with my phone (and see their faces!). I aspire to have a career in photography on my phone (only on Instagram...). I shop on my phone. I check frequently that I don't have cancer or other life-threatening ailments on my phone (Thank you WebMD. You're a star.) I instant message on my phone. I go to college on my phone. I check the weather on my phone. I no longer use a watch to check the time. I navigate using my phone. I schedule important dates on my phone. I pay bills on my phone. (For my phone.) I book flights on my phone. I watch TV and movies on my phone. I check what time the sun will rise and set on my phone. I listen to music

I See Dead People

This morning I had the privilege to go back about 10 years and do something I haven't done since: A trip to view cadavers. This year I've been teaching Anatomy and Physiology at Weimar Academy. When I was asked to do so in October, my thoughts were, "WHAT? No. No way. I can't do that!" This morning as I watched 12 of my 13 students gathered around those tables and heard them answering the questions that Dr. Dias was asking, I realized that they had learned something! I will have taught 8 months of high school Biology and Anatomy and Physiology by the end of this month. Something I never thought I could do. Now I look back and think, "I did it one day at a time. One lesson at a time. One prayer at a time." You are capable of doing ANYTHING if you take it one step at a time. :)

February! in March...

It's been a while. I know. My apologies. I've been busy. Here's your update on my life: If you remember my New Year's resolutions, you'll know I have unfortunately failed at the "Write one blogpost a month at least" one. But I am SO HAPPY to share that the rest of them are still being kept faithfully! Since the new year, I have paid off my credit cards AND Andrews University, I have finished 2 books, I have TWO friends that I am health coaching (Heidi and Natalie -- we'll meet soon. I'm still recouping from Mission Trip... ;) ), finished a 7 credit class, and now I'm writing a blog post! I'll wait while you applaud my efforts and successes. Thank you. Other fun things that happened since then will now follow. One of my FAVORITE bloggers and podcast host (Eli W McCann) responded to me on Instagram and I unashamedly fan-girled. It was great. He and Jolyn Metro host a great Podcast called "Strangerville" and it's wonde

From Pastor Amanda to Miss Apanda: 2016

How I pictured my day happening: Wake up, exercise, take a shower. Then I'd sit down on the couch with a bottle of Martinelli's and a nice breakfast while I leisurely read my journal from the year and reflected on my 28th year of life. I'd then write a funny but insightful blog post, go hang out with some friends and be happy and satisfied with my day. I'd get some planning in for my classes and be ahead of the game. What really happened: Woke up, exercised, then did NOT take a shower. Yup. Still in my running clothes. Went to open my bottle of Martinelli's and poured me a glass. My family called (Thanks for the socks Aunt Zannie and Mama!) (<-- in case you missed it, that was your shout-out you asked for on the phone earlier, Mama. ;)) to talk and I enjoyed spending time talking to them and delayed my day a little. No stress, I'd have plenty of time to finish everything. Then I got my AT&T bill. Again. The second one in 2 days. On hold with the s