Not a Techy-kinda Person

I'm pretty much a grandma when it comes to technology.

While studying for my Global Business class, the topic of technology and its impact on globalization came up. My perception is that I'm not a tech-type person, but by definition I am.

I bank on my phone.
I repay student loans on my phone.
I call my friends and family with my phone (and see their faces!).
I aspire to have a career in photography on my phone (only on Instagram...).
I shop on my phone.
I check frequently that I don't have cancer or other life-threatening ailments on my phone (Thank you WebMD. You're a star.)
I instant message on my phone.
I go to college on my phone.
I check the weather on my phone.
I no longer use a watch to check the time.
I navigate using my phone.
I schedule important dates on my phone.
I pay bills on my phone. (For my phone.)
I book flights on my phone.
I watch TV and movies on my phone.
I check what time the sun will rise and set on my phone.
I listen to music on my phone.
...I don't use it as an alarm clock. I have a cute one next to my bed for that...

So while I'm far behind my fellow millennials in regards to technology... I'm up to speed for the most part.


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