Boundaries and Granola
2. Larry Carter took us to eat at an Italian place where we got a free concert from one of the guys that works there.
You know the feeling you get when you've been on your feet all day doing dishes, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, organizing, etc. then you sit down for that first time after 4 hours? I didn't do all that today, but that's the feeling I get when the sun goes down on Friday and the Sabbath is here. This week I've been doing a lot of deep thinking.
The basic premise is each individual must be just that -- an individual; Someone who is separate from others and complete and full in Christ so that they might be a beneficial addition to the lives of others. If your environment tends to control you, it's possible you have some boundary problems.
Anyways, as I've been reading this, my natural inclination is to become at best, amused and at worst, discouraged and almost hopeless. But then I read a quote in Ministry of Healing:
"Often He met those who had drifted under Satan's control, and who had no power to break from his snare. To such a one, discouraged, sick, tempted, fallen, Jesus would speak words of tenderest pity, words that were needed and could be understood. others he met who were fighting a hand-to-hand battle with the adversary of souls. These He encouraged to persevere, assuring them that they would win; for angels of God were on their side and would give them the victory."
If you're struggling and discouraged, I hope this quote has given you as much peace and hope as it has given me. God wants you to be victorious even more than you are wanting to be victorious. So encouraging.
To end this post, I thought I'd add a recipe you can try making this week. I can't remember who I got this recipe from! If it was you and you're reading this-- Remind me. lol.
Have a happy week!!
Granola Recipe
5 Cups Oats, Rolled (raw) Old Fashioned. (not quick oats)
1 2/3 Cups Coconut Flakes
1 Cup Wheat Germ
1/3 Cup Brown Sugar (I usually put more in...Dad likes it sweeter, as do I ;) almost 1 cup)
1 Cup Almonds, slivered (you can also use sliced...or even walnuts)
1 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Cup Oil
1/4 Cup Water
2 Teaspoons Vanilla
1. Mix dry ingredients together
2. Add liquid ingredients and mix well. DO NOT OVERMIX!!!
3. Scale 5 Quarts per large cake pan. Press firmly into pan.
4. Bake at 370 degrees for 25-30 minutes. DO NOT STIR!!!
5. Remove from oven and cool thoroughly
I seriously love reading your blog...just saying. ;)
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