What kind of leader was Boaz before he got married?

... He was Ruth-less. 

Ahahahahaha!! What a funny. 

To begin with, here is an adorable picture of the cutest little baby ever! Can you tell who it is? Nooooo, not Brielle. It's Me!! Yesh. Me. Back when I was cute. 

Now it's time for a current life update:

I'm reading through the Bible this year and it's been such a great journey! I downloaded a one-year Bible onto my iPad so I could read OT, NT, Ps., Prov. each day instead of flipping around or reading straight from Genesis to Revelation. I'd totally recommend it to others like me that get discouraged around the books of Leviticus and the genealogies. Because every day you can say, "Augh... but as soon as I'm done getting through the Old Testament part, I have the New Testament and Psalms to look forward to!" Worth it. It's almost like reading a novela in some places... There is nothing new under the sun. 

In other news, one of my students passed her driving test today!!! I'm so proud of her. Not only did she pass in one of the hardest states to get your license, but she did it in a minivan!! Big props. She's also the one teaching me French. Oui, Je parle français. Okay, I can count and conjugate a few verbs, but I'm pretty determined to speak it well soon. Then my student (Taja) and I will travel to Tahiti to practice our French and tan on the beach. I think it'll be wonderful. :) 

Last but not least, it's time for a random memory! This is a picture of myself and April (my roommate at SOULS my first year) climbing a mountain on a Sabbath Afternoon. It doesn't look like it, but it was quite the climb. 

I hope you all have a Happy Sabbath! If you can't comment, try doing so while not on an iPad or iPhone and it might go through. In regards to subscribing and stuff... I'm really not sure how to do that. Just check in every now and again to see if I wrote something. :) 

Click "Read more..." if you want to check out one of my poems.

Love, God
Inspired by Desire of Ages Ch. 51

You don’t think I know? 
You don’t think I care?
When I’m the One who numbers your hair?
I have endured your sorrows,
experienced your struggles,
encountered your temptations. 
Yet you think I’ve no idea of sensations
that draw you to the world;
that tempt you to lust.
“My child, I love you. Gave everything for you. 
Therefore... trust.
I know your tears, I also have wept.
The griefs that lie too deep to be breathed into any human ear
the dark secrets you’ve kept -- all these I hear.
Think not that you are desolate or forsaken.
For my kindness shall not depart from you -- 
Your feelings are mistaken... 


  1. This blog is great. I think waaaay more people should comment. Seriously.

  2. I couldn't agree more. ;) Don't be one of those people...comment.

  3. That is a beautiful picture of a special little girl! This has always been one of my favorites of you! Can't talk unless you use your hands.

  4. I'm totally going to tuck that Boaz joke away for when I need an icebreaker :)

  5. Oh, I forgot that April was your roomie! Talk about a blast from the past… :)


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