50 Years.

You can do a LOT in 50 years.

Here are fifty things you can do in 50 years:
1. Learn to ride a unicycle
2. Live in a different country
3. Host an annual 4th of July Barbecue
4. Teach someone how to drive
5. Donate Blood
6. Own a Fish
7. Jump in the car and take a random road trip
8. Live in West Virginia
9. Learn to bake bread
10. Go furniture shopping. And not buy anything.
11. Buy flowers once a week to send to a stranger from the phonebook
12. Write a song
13. Quit drinking soda
14. Do an Ironman Triathlon
15. Renovate your kitchen
16. Create a training school to teach others how to have common sense
17. Be sad that no one thought they needed your training school
18. Lead at least one person to Jesus and teach them how to do the same thing.
19. Rebuild an engine
20. Volunteer
21. Switch up careers
22. Go skydiving
23. Travel to all 50 states and visit a historic Museum in each state to learn about the country
24. Save $1 each day in a coffee can
25. Figure out how to spend the $18,250 you've saved over 50 years.
26. Keep a journal
27. Buy someone's fast food order in line behind you
28. Hold a picnic in a park once a week where anyone who walks by is invited
29. Sponsor a child in India to go to school
30. Create a calling card with "James Bond" on it and no number. Give it out whenever someone asks for your card.
31. Buy Cutco. Seriously. It will last more than 50 years. My Brother will gladly sell you some ;)
32. Go backpacking in a beautiful place for more than a day or two.
33. Grow out your hair and donate it to Locks of Love
34. Go barefoot. As often as possible.
35. Paint a picture
36. Try to convince a high scale art show that it's a famous piece and demand $13,500 for it.
37. Drive around your neighborhood in a rental minivan with dark sunglasses slowly.
38. Don't do that. You'll get the cops called.
39. Hold a Superbowl party every August. Serve lots and lots of soup and salad.
40. Wear a chef's hat while making toast.
41. Tear down something old, and use the materials to build something new
42. Decide for an entire year to not eat anything processed
43. Learn how to blow glass
44. Test drive a sports car
45. Make cinnamon rolls for the fire department
46. Go to the library and read a book
47. Create a Blog
48. Rescue an Animal from a shelter
49. Try one new recipe a month. You'll have 600 new meals at the end of 50 years.
50. Be married for 50 years.

Just went to my grandparents' 50th Anniversary party! Got me thinking about what all you could do in 50 years! Add your own in the comments! :)


Here is the poem that I wrote for their big day. :)

Dave and Judy. Mom and Dad.
And other names that many could add.
Your lives are the testimony of two hearts in one
Beating together, a 50-year run.

The chapters of a marriage that has lasted so long
are like well-written verses of a favorite song.
When played start to finish, you feel the emotion
over all fifty years of both your devotion.

Excitement in courtship and planning a new life
Nervous as you propose to make her your wife
Stress. Wedding planning gets closer to the day
Laughter as the old shoes and cans bounce along the way

Frustration as the draft comes, uncertain he’d see
the new chubby baby you hold on your knee
Joy of reunion, of him coming home at last
Wonder at how quickly the time has passed!

Hurt during misunderstandings, quarrels, or fights.
Forgiveness. Well... maybe after a couple of nights.
The laughter and memories that are vivid in your mind
The moments of which there will never be another kind.

Triumphs. Victories. Achievements. Success.
Three girls and their families all have been blessed
by the love that you’ve shared and the wisdom shown.
They’ve now passed it on to your grand-kids all grown.

Failures. Defeats. These have happened too.
But by the Grace of God, your strength He renewed
Water under the bridge, as many would say
And both of you looking forward towards the next day.

This song that is playing for all to hear
has given hope to many that have a real fear.
Fear that the length of marriages are doomed from the start
No longer abiding by “Til death do us part.”

The road clearly hasn’t been smooth the whole way,
Your skies have occasionally been overcast and grey
But your dedication to your family has been a light shining far
and we pray our lives tell you how grateful we are.


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